Saturday, June 26, 2010

I have got a few pimples but my skin has been dry suddenly from oily?

I have got two pimples on my cheeks and chin and my skin has been dry suddenly from oily Should i apply any cream???? Which 1?

My face has been so bad just before Diwali Festival what to do ?I have got a few pimples but my skin has been dry suddenly from oily?
put toothpaste on th pimples but apply cream, stay moisturized because believe it or not dry skin is actually more voulnerable to getting pimples.I have got a few pimples but my skin has been dry suddenly from oily?
Download the e-book from this website!鈥?/a>

It has tons of helpful info on getting rid of acne.. for good, as well as how to achieve healthy skin!!!!

It is awesome!!!!!

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