Thursday, June 24, 2010

I have oily skin right on my forehead?

how do i get rid of it?I have oily skin right on my forehead?
The most affordable way is to buy an inexpensive bottle of pure witch hazel and dab it on after you cleanse your face each day with a cotton ball. It is the main ingredient in most expensive skin toners. Also, a 99 cent bottle of rubbing alcohol is my cure all for zits and blackheads. I use a q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol and press on the affected area a few times per day, and it works like a charm.I have oily skin right on my forehead?
Try to keep your hair washed and keep it away from your forehead. That will help. Wash your face twice a day with an acne face wash. Put powder on it throughout the day to keep the shine down. That's about all you can do.
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