Friday, December 11, 2009

I have very oily do i get rid of acne??

i have oily skin and i am breaking out all over my face and school is about to start. How do i get rid of the pimples and the oily skin??

And also dose tooth paste really work to get rid of them?I have very oily do i get rid of acne??
Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne wash. It helps! Plus, it helps to prevent acne. All of your acne might wash away but you may have a bit of minor acne left (depending on how serious your case). Don't use Proactiv, it's for more serious cases and it might be too strong for a regular teenager (you're probably my age).

Use the Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne wash/scrub, or the Neutrogena Deep Clean (normal to oily skin) wash/scrub. It's cheaper and equally as effective as Proactiv.

About what the girl said about going on antibiotics, it is highly unneccessary for you to take antibiotics to reduce the chance of bacteria clogging your oil glands (that's how pimples are formed). Antibiotics can very well lead to bacteria that survive and then become immune to the drug. Some antibiotics do have side effects, and by using antibiotics, you're not only killing bad bacteria but good bacteria. Most bacteria are actually good for you not bad, and you don't want to kill them. Just get the facial cleanser, cheaper and safer than taking HIGHLY UNNECCESSARY drugs. Also, the acne may be genetic or is forming due to what you eat, lessen on the oilies, go for healthier thingsI have very oily do i get rid of acne??
I, too, used to have oily skin. If you wear makeup try using oil-free products. Gently exfoliate your skin, but not too much or else pores will enlarge. And believe it or not, cutting down on greasy foods does make a difference in the oil production.

As for the tooth paste (not a real charmer for some) be sure to use tooth paste that is NOT gel such as Colgate Total
I have a problem with oily skin too. It's no fun :(

Try Noxema face wash. It helped for me to clear up my acne quick. As for the oil, just use some blotting wipes to blot your face during the day or put some powder in your purse.

If your acne just won't go away and it's really bad, you may want to go see a dermatologist.
its not a problem.just wash ur face often with a oil control soap is enough.

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